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Morrigan goddess





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Morrigan goddess(圖1)-速報App

The Magic of the Morrigan: Who Is She Really?

Morrigan goddess(圖2)-速報App

Who is Morrigan?

Morrigan goddess(圖3)-速報App

As ‘newbie’ witches, we think we can light a candle, pick an altar cloth based on a correspondence list in the back of some “Intro to Witchcraft” book, say the right words ,and poof! All of our major life problems are solved. Sorry, but it doesn’t work like that. Real change, such as manifesting a new car after you total yours (like in my case), takes real power. I mean a lot of power, like that of the Morrigan.

Morrigan goddess(圖4)-速報App

Many books that introduce Wicca or witchcraft will include a section about common Pagan pantheons, and which deities to call upon for various magical goals - i.e. call on Brigit for creativity, Aphrodite for love, Cerridwen for herb magic; you get the idea.You must develop a relationship with a deity before you can expect them to help you. This is particularly true for the Morrigan. And keep in mind, the gods have their own wants and needs, so be prepared to have them ask you for something in return.

Morrigan goddess(圖5)-速報App

The Morrigan is a mighty goddess, and even though, at times, working with her can be frightening, she should not be feared. This misunderstood Celtic goddess will make incredible changes to your life—changes that you thought would never occur outside your fantasies. She does not do anything for free though! She will make you work for what you want. In order to transform, you must crawl out of the quicksand that is keeping your life stagnant. This Dark Goddess will make you look at the parts of yourself you have buried deep from shame; will teach you battle strategies then thrust you into the ring to fight your demons, she will make you face and conquer all of your fears. She does what she has to so change can manifest in your life. I know firsthand of her transformational powers.

Morrigan goddess(圖6)-速報App

She is not an easy Goddess to follow, I won’t lie. But it is worth the effort! This multi-faceted goddess has many faces, and there are multiple aspects to understanding her. Learning about the Morrigan is a process, but I will outline simple steps you can take to establish a relationship with her. The steps involved can help you forge a relationship with any of the gods, but I will be providing specific tips and information relevant to meeting the Morrigan.

It is important you understand the meaning and uses of her name, as there is a lot of confusion and conflicting information regarding that area. Before you begin your devotional practice you should know the history and mythology of the deity you want to bring into your life. The Morrigan appears several times throughout history, and I will summarize the best-known myths about her, which will give you a starting point for conducting your own research if you decide to meet and work with her. The last step of the process is actually the beginning of the relationship, and I will provide a few ideas on how you initiate your devotional practice. Please enjoy this guide however use it wisely!!